Virtual Reality is the most exciting, most engaging technology on the market today, and it's already completely changing how we experience movies, video games, and architecture. Today, virtual landscape software is ready for you — ready for you to add even more depth and detail to your pool and landscape designs, and ready for you to start sharing even more immersive experiences with your clients.
3D in the "Olden Days"
Here's the deal. When we released Pool Studio in 2005, 3D was completely groundbreaking. More than a decade ago, most consumers had never seen 3D outside of a video game.
With Pool Studio, they were able to experience 3D customized just for them for the very first time: they could see their future backyard in 3D, and the experience was mind blowing. As a result, the early adopters of Pool Studio saw incredible jumps (usually 90%!) in their closing ratios.
Today, designers are still seeing awesome results when they switch from hand drawings to 3D designs.
In fact, a great pool builder recently shared with me the story of how using 3D earned him his latest sale.
He told me that he'd been a little unsure if 3D was right for his client base, so he decided to test it out — he used Pool Studio to design a pool and backyard for one client.
The client's response took him by surprise. When he showed his client the design, she immediately started crying. Why was she crying? Because her dream had just come true: "This was exactly the pool she always dreamed she could have and now it's real!" He paused, and thought to himself . . . "Real? I just drew this in 3D; it's not even close to real!"
The fact that the pool hadn't been built yet didn't matter to the client: she could see every vivid detail, so the project was as good as done in her mind.
That is why 3D is so powerful. When clients can see and explore their own beautiful new pool and landscape, they fall in love.
Virtual Reality is the Future
Right now, Virtual Reality offers the same groundbreaking, client-amazing appeal as the early days of 3D design. And, just like the early days of 3D, most consumers have only read or heard about Virtual Reality — very few have personally experienced it yet (have you?).
If you haven't experienced Virtual Reality yet, you need to.
Even more importantly, you need to get familiar with it so that you can share it with your clients.
Last week, I had the privilege to show off our latest Virtual Reality update to 160 swimming pool builders and designers. Their reactions were incredible — and a testament to how powerful Virtual Reality really is.
When you put on the Virtual Reality headset, the world as you know it completely changes. You look into a different 3D world, and your brain thinks that the world you're seeing is real . . . exactly as though it truly exists.
If you look over an edge in Virtual Reality, your body reacts. If you fall in a virtual 3D swimming pool, your muscles actually tense up. If you sit in a virtual lounge chair, and watch butterflies float by, you instinctively put your arm out for one to land on.
When you offer your design to your clients with virtual landscape design, you'll create for them a far more meaningful, far more immersive experience than they ever imagined possible. Your 3D design will become completely real in their minds as they direct their own experience, making it completely their own.
Whether they’re jumping into a pool or just turning their head to naturally follow what draws their curiosity, with virtual landscape software for Vip3D, they get to enjoy and explore their new outdoor living space like never before.
Blow Your Clients Away Before Anyone Else Does
Are you ready to lead the way and start using virtual landscape software in your pool and landscape design projects?
The future is here: we released everything you need just last month!
You can get the right hardware for approximately $2000, you can amaze your clients, and give them an experience better than any of your competitors. There is no question you will sell more projects. So what are you waiting for?
If the potential expense has held you back, consider this: your clients' reactions will make your investment more than worth it.

Latest Hardware recommendations on our Hardware Page
Try it out: when you introduce your clients to their future outdoor living space with virtual landscape design, you'll offer them the most immersive, most engaging experience possible today — an experience they'll find completely irresistible.
We're Here to Help
Our purpose is to improve lives through 3D experiences — and that includes 3D designs, videos, Virtual Reality, and everything that's coming in the future. So whenever you have questions, or if you need any help setting up virtual landscape design, we're here for you. Just give us a call, send us an email, or drop a comment below.
And when you start using Virtual Reality, please share your experiences with us. We love to hear about them.